Greening the Sinai desert - Egypt

We are turning the Sinai into the lush Garden of Eden it used to be, and we need your help. Regenerating an ecosystem of that scale will create a huge amount of benefits for local communities: increasing food, fresh water, jobs, peaceful lives and a sustainable future. But there’s more: we have discovered that a greener and cooler Sinai can bring more moisture to the region, and can even positively influence the larger weather systems that cause extreme weather around the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.

John D. Liu / The Weather Makers




Below: Landsat 8 satellite image of 19 December 2019 (subset)

False color composite - Pan sharpened - Image cell size: 15 m.

Image processing : Michiel Damen


John Journey to the Sinai

Below:  Sentinel 2A satellite image of 5 May 2020 (subset)

False color composite - Image cell size: 10 m.

Image processing: Michiel Damen